
All That Shuffles is not Dealt

(Title page is still a work in progress, Beorn with me!

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Correction and True Victory

“A Wizard is never late. He arrives precisely when he intends to.” – Gandalf Hi there! It has been awhile hasn’t it? I haven’t posted since the beginning of March despite having content and adventures to post about. I want to apologize for this. I could make excuses about all the different board games I…

Preserving the Blood of Gondor

Apologies for the gap in posts. I guess when you look at how frequently I updated the post on FFG’s forums you’re probably not surprised. Nevertheless, I finally found time tonight to sit down and iron out the quest “The Blood of Gondor.” Two victories against it this week in fact. I wouldn’t actually count…

Let’s Discuss Decks!

So we’ve got the website. We’re fairly caught up on a brief history of time with the game. You know I’m on the quest “The Bloof of Gondor.” What’s my deck look like? It’s probably a silly question, and as it turns out I’m already very aware that I’m likely going to have to change…

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